Friday, May 29, 2015

DIY film lantern

Lights! Camera! Action!

But for this DIY, I only made a light. And by light, I mean a lantern. As a DIY lover, there are days that all I do is scroll, scroll, and scroll all day with different blogs, pinterest, tumblr, and so much more. Then I saw this cool and really classy-looking DIY film lantern. The films give the lantern a vintage look.

I saw this DIY on pinterest but the only thing was that this DIY post didn't provide any tutorial, so I'll try to give my own tutorial.

Tools you'll need:
a transparent box
mod podge 
mason jar
candle (or led candles)


1. The transparent box that I used was a box for a stuffed toy.With your transparent box, measure the length of your film so that it fits and can cover the whole box.

2. Use the mod podge (or you can mix water with glue having the same amount *if you don't have mod podge*) to stick all the films to cover up the whole box.

3. Get a mason jar or any jar (I used a jar of sandwich spread) and remove the lid.

4. Put the candle inside the jar. And for this, I took a long candle then I just cut it into a smaller one so that its size is only half of the jar, because if it is longer than the length of the jar it could be dangerous. (To make it more safe, I suggest to use led candles)

And you're done!

This is a very simple, yet very creative DIY. I am also proud to say that all of the materials used in making this DIY are all RECYCLED. Not all DIYs need newly brought materials and it doesn't have to be expensive. So whenever you create DIYs, before you buy something, try to look around you and you might see a material that you can recycle.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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